Recruit & Retain the Right Providers

The simple secret to attracting and retaining providers is to demonstrate that you value them and their experience. This helps attract and retain the kind of providers who also share your ED’s values.

Investing in talent

Recognize Compensation Inspiration

Tying together shared goals and incentives for ED providers – and the non-ED providers upon who they rely – builds collaboration and reinforces teamwork, boosting the hospital’s overall efficiency, communication, and ultimately, patient experience.

Improve clinician satisfaction

Involve Medical Director Training and Coaches

A medical director who understands how to build and sustain a stable, supportive practice environment is crucial for a thriving department. When you support and encourage your medical director’s efforts, that positive reinforcement is passed from medical director to provider to ultimately the patient.

Your medical directors' impact

Set Measurable, Realistic Goals

Abstract goals like “communicate better with patients” offer minimal specific insights to bring your team together to impact change. However, defined targets with measurable goals including input from ED providers, such as “reduce door-to-doctor time from 45 minutes to 30 minutes within six months,” gives the entire ED team a clear, quantifiable, attainable goal.

The benefits of aligned goals

Follow Metrics

Quantifiable metrics allow providers and ED leadership to track goal progress. This data gives the ED an opportunity to make real-time adjustments focused on service recovery. They can improve any weaknesses, monitor trends in their improvement, and build upon excellence they are already delivering.

Make data actionable